Saturday 25 April 2009

Day 79


A dispiriting week in a few ways, but after a lot of moping, doing shit I didn't really want to, and other stuff, I finally got off my ass, and wrote 2,000 words over 4 hours for, I think, the first time this month. And that feels great.

Also, my good friend Will Herbert sent me this awesome link today, which for anyone who ever wants to write a TV pilot or series bible - or is just a huge The Wire or BattleStar Galactica fan, will completely love. Thanks for that, man.

So, my word quota and hours finally done for at least one day of the month, I'm going to go to bed now, extremely tired, but feeling a little bit better about myself.

word count: 2,141
hours writing: 4


Anon said...

I love your blog. You inspire me. I would like to present you with two well deserved blog awards!

You are one of those amazing bloggers who regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words.

Thus I reward you with the Zombie Chicken Award, (and One Lovely Blog Award, too).

Anon said...

whoops. Here's the link to your awards!