Saturday 14 March 2009

Days 73 and 74


Worked most of the night yesterday, rendering and making everything good for the short, then went to bed, having written virtually nothing, and got up this morning to do the sound with a couple of really talented post-graduate students at the RSAMD.

My beautiful girlfriend went away with her Mum to Ullapool this morning - something I was going to be able to do with them until work came along, so we had a lovely drink of ginger ale amongst the morning Glasgow drunks (we saw one staggering around, screaming and slamming into walls, about to be collared by community policemen - at literally 10:30am. And he wasn't the only one).

Got to the place to do the sound and then received a very sad phone call. Someone who I loved very much died today. My Grandfather. He was a kind, interesting and generous man. I mentioned him once before here - he wrote a great little autobiography, and I wanted to turn it into a proper book for him. I wish it had been finished in time, and that I'd been able to give something back to him. I wonder if any of the people we care about know just how much we love them.

The rest of the day has pretty much come and gone. It looks like I'll probably go down to Oxford next week, after my day's filming, and stay there until there's a funeral. So, we'll have to see about what happens in the next little while.

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