Monday 26 January 2009

Day 26


Ugh. Feel fucking horrible. Five and a half hours' sleep just isn't enough for a guy like me.

Got a bit of a schedule today. I'm fed up missing all the good films at the cinema: I'm really not going to let these movies go out of the cinema without me seeing them:

Frost/Nixon, Slumdog Millionaire, Milk, Valkyrie, and (being a huge Fincher fan) Benjamin Button. The Wrestler. Maybe The Reader.

But I think I'm going to see Role Models before any of them. I'm that kind of guy.

But I've got to be smarter about working these things into my day without having to stay up to three in the morning to make my word count. So I'm thinking about a matinee.

For the first time in a few days, I really enjoyed working on the novelisation last night, but I really want to get back to the new script. I started the year with a half-finished plot outline, which turned out to be a huge advantage. I'd really like to get that kind of head-start for the new script - especially since February is such a short month.

We'll see what happens.


Long day. Still feel horrible. Went to see Valkyrie today - I thought it was very good, despite the lukewarm reviews. Singer has an excellent sense of composition, and when focused, an excellent sense of visual synedoche: a heel crushing a cigarette, a set of steps outside the Fuhrer's aeroplane, a glass eye hidden in a box, telling us about the hiding and the strategems, the decisions and the little things on which world events pivot - I thought it was very effective.

Have made my word count, again through the novelisation, and have only written for two and a half hours. I feel extremely bad today. And I have shit I have to do tomorrow. Ugh. These days are not getting easier, they're certainly diminishing in productivity, too.


I'm going to read more tomorrow - get more inspiration for this damnable screenplay. I'm looking at Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy at the moment (Penguin Classics Edition), and it helps me feel a tiny bit closer to the mindset I have to familiarise myself with.

And on that note I think I'll read in bed.

word count: 2,466
hours writing: 2.5
hours researching: 1 (I know this doesn't count)

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