Friday, 16 January 2009

Day 16


Finished work! Time to grab the train and get back to my lovely girlfriend...


Back in peace and quiet. Exhausted and not fit to write. Luckily I managed to jot some ideas down on the train, only a couple of hundred words but better than nothing at all.

I look at the work that I've missed and it's pretty fearsome.

Down by 6,800 words.
Slacked by 12 hours.

That's a lot of work to catch up on - I'll have to write an extra 500 words a day, and write for an extra hour, for the next fortnight to catch up.

I had no idea five days' work could set me back so much. But I can't obsess about these things: have to keep moving onwards.

And on that note, I'm going to bed.

word count: 308
hours writing: 1

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