Sunday 25 January 2009

Day 25


Up at midday. Going round to see my parents soon - it might be difficult to get writing done in the meantime.

I've got the urge to track down the movie Glengarry Glen Ross and watch it again: I'm not sure why. I just want to see Alec Baldwin yell: 'ALWAYS BE CLOSING!' and, 'COFFEE IS FOR CLOSERS!'

Man, the character from that film would make the best dad ever.


Okay, so I fucked up. Got back a couple of hours ago, after a pretty tiring day. Needed a little break; now it's half past midnight and I haven't done a frickin' thing.

Will have to just put a couple of hours in now, then try to catch up over the next couple of days.

I am definitely finding this harder at the moment.


Two hours writing. Word count made, only through working entirely on the 'novelisation'.

I've got to do better than this - get my head back in the game. I've been getting lazy and have spent too long playing (and thinking about playing) computer games when I should have been writing and researching. There's a lot of irrelevant crap that, in the long run, does me no good. I've spent the most part of my life putting that in front of creative endeavours, so, Jesus Christ! I can put this at the front of things for a single year.

What do I need to get my ass in gear? A fucking Rocky montage?

Going to bed now. Will definitely kick more (or at least some) ass tomorrow.

word count: 2,112
hours writing: 2

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