Tuesday 13 January 2009

Day 13


Up and about. Determined to do better today, though I'm realising I might have to be more realistic about my goals while I'm working.


Back at the hotel. Sit down in front of the word processor. Three days of doing less than normal, and I already feel rusty and apprehensive. Still, no time like the present.


So tired I can’t think. I have to have a nap: I can’t help it.


Awake and demoralised. Another night without writing – only a few hundred words. I’ll work for another half an hour, I just have to.

It’s amazing, just 8 or 10 hours of regular work, and when you sit down to write, you can’t think you’re so tired.

For the first time, I can see why so many writers with day jobs write in the early morning. I’ve always hated getting up early, but I understand: it’s impossible to put more than your haziest, least-focussed and most dissatisfying efforts in at the end of a day’s work – even if that day wasn’t particularly hard.

Still, back to work.


Well, I might have fucked myself for work tomorrow, but I made my hours and my word limit, and this makes me feel much better about myself and the project.

If I don’t get any more work done here this week, at least I know I worked hard when I could, and that I’m still trying my best.

I don’t know if it’s just that I’m getting closer to the end, or that I’m writing in a hotel room instead of the cosy nook I’d developed for myself over the last week, but I don’t feel like I’m writing as well as I have done. I’ve had the luxury of spending as much time as needed on the bits I felt were poorer, and not moving on until they were fixed.

Here, time is a luxury and I feel the constant need to move on: as a result, writing here is more like the old experience – a chore, something I make myself do. But then, maybe, it’s nearly 3am in the morning and I am making myself do it.

We’ll see how it looks when I read it back.

Word count: 2,487
Hours writing: 4.5

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