Sunday 18 January 2009

Day 18


This is my last day in Wales. After a huge storm last night, I think I'll go for a quick walk, before deciding what to do today.


Got back from my first strenuous run of the year. I feel so unfit at the moment that I can't help imagining my organs looking like one of those cellophaned packs of fatty meat.

Cut me up and sell me to the supermarket.


Wow. That was hard. I just made my word limit, and only by trying to write some character monologues, some research, some notes, and the terrible beginnings to that first script 'novelisation' I was talking about yesterday.

I'm going to have to work out another way of making my word limit when I'm researching and planning these scripts: in a very practical sense, I'm nowhere near ready to write my second screenplay, which is set in Palestine in 1099 - I simply have to do a few days' worth of research. If I force myself to do 2,000 words a day at times like this, I'm worried I won't get enough thinking done, which may effect the end quality of what I write.

But on the other hand, it would be easy to start letting the word count and the hours slip, and within a few weeks, stop updating the blog, and then the whole thing altogether.

It would be too easy. I've got to find another way.

word count: 2,023
hours writing: 5

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