Monday 19 January 2009

Day 19


Up and packing. Got to catch the train in an hour. Going back home.

Sunny Glasgow awaits!


Back home. Cold, and pretty shattered. I spent the day on the train, working on a little project I'm doing for my grandfather. He wrote an autobiography a few years back, and it exists only in a few versions of bound photocopies - I'd really like to get it printed in proper book format from a company like lulu or blurb for his birthday.

I came across a passage in it when he's explaining about one of the first essays he wrote in Armidale's University College (in New South Wales.) His professor said it wasn't very good, and told him to remember that;

"Thinking is also research"

This made me think about my constant attempts to up my word-count over the last day or so. What I don't like about it, is that it doesn't feel like it's helping my thinking about the screenplay or the story.

So while I work this evening, I'm going to think long and hard about a better way of gauging those important days at the start of a project in which thinking takes precedence over writing.

Here goes.


Went to have a 'nap'. Absolutely exhausted. Have to go to bed. Will return to this in the morning.

word count: 52
hours writing: 1

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