Thursday 15 January 2009

Day 15


Still pretty damned tired. Been in work for an hour, looks like it'll be a long day, plus I'm going to talk to a colleague here about some new creative projects after work, all of which could mean I don't get to start writing till quite late.

This hasn't been the productive week of working and writing I envisioned. But then, you can only do what's possible.

Back to work.


Another long day and late evening. Had an incredibly productive chat with a colleague, Christian Knowles-Fitton, about some film and advert collaborations we should link up with and do in the future.

But I’m exhausted now. I’m worried I’ll only be capable of another 15 minute, 35 word washout.

But I’ll try.


Falling asleep at the keyboard. Have to sleep. Disappointed to see that my hours average has fallen below 4 for the first time, and my word count average below 2000. This won’t do.

I’ve also been wondering what I should do when I’ve finished my screenplay and am spending days basically revising it but writing no new words, and came up with a natty idea.

I could try my hand at a short novelisation of the screenplay, as I go through and revise it. This might be a natty way of ‘adding value’ to the idea, might be something I could sell (if I learn to write a little better) more easily, perhaps, than a screenplay. It might also be a good way of looking at ‘the big picture’, which is difficult when revising a screenplay.

But then, another part of me says, Jesus. Isn’t 12 screenplays ambitious enough this year, without piling a novel on top of it?

In the end, I think I might try my hand at it, when I’ve got some time and my word count is a little low, just because if it doesn’t work, if it’s embarrassing and stupid, well, I don’t have to show anyone, do I?

Anyway, aware that I have written far more words on my blog than I have on my screenplay, I’m going to go to bed now.

word count: 58
hours writing: 0.5

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