Friday 6 February 2009

Day 37


Had a few chores to do today before I could sit down and start writing. I've been working on one shot of my short film for the last couple of hours - a really important one - but one that is taking a really, really long time to get right.

I'm aware that I've really got to start getting my ass moving on this script. It's really difficult to see the woods from the trees on this one. I think I'm going to spend the day on my new, bare-bones outline, see if the thing makes sense and has a shape, then maybe add a little more flesh to it tomorrow, then start writing proper on Sunday. But we'll see.


This is now the least productive day of my year so far. I mean, it's really sucked. I've got nothing done, I can't get my screenplay plan to work, and then I spent ages trying to get just one of the shots from my short film sorted out, and that didn't work either. And now it's past midnight, and I've achieved nothing.

I guess we all have these days. I think I'll work for an hour and then have a reasonably early night - and try getting something done tomorrow. The plan I made earlier seems remarkably optimistic.

But tomorrow can only be better than today.


Going to bed now. Tired and cranky. Have worked out a tiny bit more of the way the characters feel and actually respond to things during the machinations of the plot - but I'm a maximum of 15% into the outline so far, with three main characters still to enter the story. There's a long, long way to go. I hope I can be more productive tomorrow.

I'm going to have to stop working on the short film for a couple of days,. It's taking away all my writing time, and is bumming me out. I think once I've started on the screenplay proper, I'll dip back into the short - maybe only doing the easier shots that don't require my heart, soul, and all my time, to get completed.

Anyway, I'm going to bed now.

word count: 1,024
hours writing: 2

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