Sunday 8 February 2009

Day 39


Up for the last hour and a half. Still feeling a little groggy, but determined to do better than yesterday.


Written for a couple of hours, got a couple of hours left to go. It's been snowing today - it might actually settle, which is exciting. Maybe a winter wonderland will await Glasgow tomorrow morning.


Well, I didn't finish any god damned earlier today. But I've fleshed out another twenty scenes. I'm really hoping that if I work hard, I'll finish this fucker off tomorrow, and then be able to start writing proper on tuesday.

Went out for a while in the snow with my girlfriend. It was late and there was no-one about, so the snow in the centre of town - especially around the sixties architecture of Strathclyde University, was pristine. For the first time in three years, we managed to gallumph through untrodden snow. It was a lot of fun: the most fun I've had in a few days.

Not much to say at the moment about the writing. I'm kind of pissed off at myself for taking so long to achieve so little. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

word count: 2,179
hours writing: 4.5

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