Monday 16 February 2009

Day 47


Wow. I've never woken up this late before in my life. And I'm a lazy motherfucker.

Got to start writing sooner.


Yep, I'm fucking my body clock pretty good.

Went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button tonight (or more like last night, now...)

Absolutely fucking awesome. If I could make, or just write - one thing as good as this in my whole life, I won't have been a waste of time.

Everything about this film is fantastic: Go and see it. Particularly impressive was the photography. Apparently the DP, Claudio Miranda, used to be a gaffer on Fincher's sets - I think this is his first gig as credited Cinematographer.

I've never sees digital cinematography so vibrant, so elastic in tone and feeling, so beautiful. It was used for all the fantastic stuff that it's good for: characters illuminated by candle-light, silhouettes against the dawn. Whilst richer, the camera was more subtle in placement and framing than Fincher's other films - an admirable stepping away from visual gloss towards a more honest visual meaning.

Also beautiful was the score by Alexandre Desplat: sombre and warm, it added poignancy without turning it into schmaltz.

Click on the link above for the official site, that includes a very impressive overview of the special effects processes of the film, presented in a beautiful book-like structure.

Anyway, I did some writing when I got back. It felt pretty poor after what I'd just seen, but I managed to get ten pages out.

Now I'm going to go to bed, and dream of a day when I'll be able to direct as well as David Fincher.

word count: 2,210
hours writing: 4

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