Saturday 14 February 2009

Day 45


Had a lovely day with my beautiful girlfriend. I booked her a lesson to go ski-ing for the first time on a dry slope in Bellahouston Park, and she persuaded me to try it too.

This adventure reminded me of a question I ask myself the more I experience different things: why are the activities rich people do so much fucking fun? All you're doing, in this case, is sliding down a small incline with your feet attached to two glorified planks. Why does it make you feel the king of the world?

I don't know. It would be nice to work out a way to make it more affordable.

Oh, and I had another revelation, too. No matter what they do, snowboarders always look like complete tools.

I was so tired half an hour ago I actually went to bed, feeling really terrible at myself that I hadn't written anything today. But I'm up now and fresh as a daisy, and I'm going to try to do as much work as I can right now before I pass out again.


My word count is taking a serious hit at the moment. Four hours' writing: barely a thousand words. I'm going to have to start as soon as I get up tomorrow and work for as long as it takes to get ten pages done.

Still, I had such a lovely day. I'm pleased to have had such fun.

word count: 1,046
hours writing: 4

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